Sentence dictionary
expectation–maximization algorithm
in a sentence
expectation maximization algorithm
To do this, the expectation maximization algorithm is used, with the following objective function: An example of a widely used block-iterative version of MLEM is the Ordered Subsets Expect...
expectation-maximization algorithm
An efficient implementation of this framework is presented , for segmenting two motions ( foreground and background ) using two frames . the expectation - maximization algorithm is used to...
expectation maximization
Iterative algorithms based upon expectation maximization are most commonly used, but are computationally intensive. To do this, the expectation maximization algorithm is used, with the fol...
expectation maximization principle
It is also studied in a specialized field of mathematics wherein models are used to help make decisions in all human activities including the sciences and engineering . ( See also Game the...
ordered subset expectation maximization
An example of a widely used block-iterative version of MLEM is the Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization algorithm ( OSEM ). The EM algorithm ( and its faster variant ordered subset exp...
constrained maximization
This is a constrained maximization problem, which can be solved using the Lagrangian multiplier technique to convert the problem into an unconstrained optimization problem. Stiglitz mentio...
constrained maximization problem
This is a constrained maximization problem, which can be solved using the Lagrangian multiplier technique to convert the problem into an unconstrained optimization problem. Stiglitz mentio...
customer value maximization
Customer value maximization may or may not require relationship marketing. Customer value maximization, on the other hand, is used to maximize value from both existing and prospective cust...
entropy maximization
This constrained entropy maximization, both classically and quantum mechanically, minimizes partition function. Entropy maximization with no testable information respects the universal " c...
entropy maximization model
The logit model and gravity model have been shown by Wilson ( 1967 ) to be of essentially the same form as used in statistical mechanics, the entropy maximization model.
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